The Stars in Their Eyes received an initial grant of $100,000 from the Hobby Family Foundation for the purpose of attracting an additional $100,000 in matching contributions. We approached foundations and individuals, including those that have supported the observatory in the past. With the match now secured, we began filming this Fall.

We ‘ve raised $250,000 to date, half of our total budget of $500,000, a modest figure for a 90-minute feature documentary. The funds will cover all of the extensive on-site production for over a year, along with post-production costs that include a year of editing, music composition, additional astrophotography, pickup filming, sound mixing, and more.

The 90-minute feature documentary will be completed in 2025. After a festival run, it will be offered to PBS for a national broadcast, targeting PBS’s science series NOVA. Every single one of Paul Stekler’s previous films over forty years has been broadcast nationally on PBS.

After broadcast, the film will be given to the McDonald Observatory for use at their visitor center and online for their website and for the visitor center’s fund-raising.

For direct deposit info, please reach out to or for information.

All contributions to this project are tax deductible through the film’s fiscal sponsor The Center for New American Media, a 501C-3 non-profit sponsor of The Stars in Their Eyes (IRS #72-0860902)

Film dedicated to the memory of the couple who helped start this film, Ann and David Chappell.

Gifts to THE STARS IN THEIR EYES can be sent, by checks made out to the Center for New American Media and sent to:

Center for New American Media
59 Prospect Place, Ground Floor
Brooklyn, NY   11217-2281
Attention: McDonald Project

Louis Alvarez and Andy Kolker (718-789-2029) can provide any other details for sending the donation

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